2024 Catholic Services Appeal

I am writing you today to ask you to be part of our 2024 St. Veronica Catholic
Services Appeal. Our goal this year is $25,000.00 and we need your pledge to make
our goal.

This week you will receive a letter from me, a pledge card and return envelope to
make your donation or pledge. You may mail in your donation or put it in the collection
basket next weekend.

How much should I donate? That is totally up to you. I have asked those who are
able to donate $250.00 over a nine-month payment plan. Every year we have received
gifts ranging from $5.00 to $1,000.00. I challenge those who have been blessed by God
to give generously. If God has blessed you please return the blessing. To those who are
on a fixed income, I ask that you give what you can. However, please try to make
some type of gift.

You are a part of St. Veronica Parish, and it will take all of us to reach our goal. We
will reach our goal if you help us today with your pledge.

St. Veronica is celebrating its 98th year of service to God and community. For ninety-eight
years St. Veronica has been a beacon of faith, hope, and love. Your pledge today will
help us to continue to be that sign of our community and throughout the Archdiocese.
Please use the enclosed envelope for any response.

Checks should be made out to St. Veronica Church. In the memo line: “CSA”.

Journeying with you to our Centennial,
God Bless You!
Fr. Stan


New Online Donation Options


St. Giana Baretta Molla’s Feast Day on April 28th